Serapistan " I Wish I'd Said That, And I Will"

Location: New York, United States

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Driving Distractions and What to do About it

I heard a while back about a fellow who invented a remote control device, that you used to turn off televisions in unwanted places' such as bars restaurants airports etc. I wish someone would come up with a similar gizmo that would work on cell phones . Turning them off would be nice but I think it would be cool if you had a few more options. Wouldn't it be great if the next time you were driving and there is someone more interested in gassing on the phone than paying attention to the road you could take out your remote, press a button and ZAP they get an electronic wake up call? Not too much mind you maybe just 120 volt like house current but no amps. We don't want to kill them merely give them an electric dope- slap.